Blog: Blinded me with Scienteers
Blog: March 2nd, 2008 I suck for not mentioning this sooner, but…
Hay ever’buddy! I’m a Scienteer!
No no, not that Tom Cruise thing!! At least, I don’t think so…
Scienteers is a webcomic collective founded by David Davis over at Cosmic Dash. I’m lucky enough to be working with some talented people: HPK, Poinko, Wiggly, Kevin Hayman, Remi Perron, Robbie Allen, Ian Jay and K.C. Green. Geez, does everyone have a pen name except me?
There’s some big plans in store for all of us, so be sure to scope out the website for some fun bonus content… Your homework, dear readers, is to visit my fellow Mad Scientists and read ‘n comment on their comics! Tell ’em Brian sent ya.