Hoo boy. Sharon pointed me toward the recently relaunched official site for Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Longtime readers know that I am somewhat of a fan of the show. The fact that there’s new MST3K anything should be cause for celebration. But it’s very clear that things have… changed.
Now, the common trait of an internet nerd is to run, screaming and hollering preferably, away from the first sign of change. Add a mere flame decal to Optimus Prime and you’ve immediately ruined 10,000 childhoods. So instead, I’d like to give these guys a chance to have fun and experiment a little. The show certainly has been through many changes already, so what’s another voice cast and art style?
But the new Flash show *is* a pretty big leap from the bots I grew up with. I know we’re lucky to get anything now that everyone from the old show has parted ways. It’s just… I dunno. Maybe they need to make fun of some movies or something?
Anyone else a fan of Joel, Mike and the Bots? Got a favorite host segment? Episode? Short? Just no Joel v. Mike stuff… had enough of that back on AOL.